The continuing adventures of the AV show…
3,2,1… back in the room.
Its been a relatively quiet month or so on the gig front, which turned out to be perfect for getting the website ready to go live (its been on a holding page for over 3 years) and get the DVD ready to be seen by all and sundry either on their telly boxes on DVD or as part of the Solid Steel Podcast. Its all pretty much complete now, the DVD has gone to DK for him to check out and upload to the Solid Steel site and associated iTunes podcast… very soon all this editing and development will finally hit the public domain. eek. Artwork is on its way from Byte Design who brilliantly helped with the design of ‘The Case of The Missing Records’ cd cover too. The DVDs will be going out at shows as promo items and will be double cases which will also include that CD too.
I wanted to commit this show to DVD/podcast as i’ve been doing it since about february and wanted to draw a line under it and get into some of the other video projects that i’ve been toying with recently.
This weekend i was in Dublin for a couple of shows courtesy of Eardrumbuzz… lovely promotors who seemed genuinly really excited to have me in town to do the AV show (Many thanks Tara, John and co). Caught up with my man Kormac, very exciting to hear about his debut album which is out soon… im sure it will be essential listening.
(James and I spent most of Saturday trying to find a bar that wasn’t horrifically themed)
(The center of Dublin has this massive spike you can see from the whole city)
In support were loads of great acts… some AV, a techo hippy playing a lute to house music, the excellent Noise Control, The Robotniks (who must have one of the most flamboyant singers i’ve seen in a while) and the act of the day for me… The Bot Heads. Check them out. highly enertaining!
For now though, i’m off for a spot of DJing in fancy dress at the Shambala festival before a Bristol DJ gig and another night at north Devon’s best lock in. See you there