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Author: cheeba

Videocrash II Timelapse

A timelapse of Cheeba and The Thousand Thousand Points of Light setting up for Videocrash II at Koko, Camden, London. 7/2/2009. Featuring the track ‘Population’ as performed by The Anomalies.

The continuing adventures of the AV show…

3,2,1… back in the room. Its been a relatively quiet month or so on the gig front, which turned out to be perfect for getting the website ready to go live (its been on a holding page for over 3 years) and get the DVD ready to be seen by all and sundry either on […]

Pomlad Fest (Slovenia)

Footage from Cheeba’s recent show in Slovenia. Highlights include Cheeba’s pigeon english, the Slovenian minister for the arts and James’ quest for the free booze…

The Reels of Solid Steel (Trailer)

This is the trailer for the upcoming film ‘The Reels of Solid Steel’, a 60 minute video mix using Serato Video SL Software, two turntables and a Rane TTM 57sl mixer. The full feature will be available at all upcoming shows and for free download via Solid Steel very soon.

Thekla Intro (May 2009)

This short was produced as an intro for the premier of the AV show in Bristol. It shows Cheeba taking a phone call and heading to the venue (The Thekla). The whole sequence was filmed in reverse, starting at the Thekla and walking backwards… It was then all played backwards giving the illusion that all […]

Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother

This is a transition piece that was made for the AV show. It was made using audio from the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother’ movie trailer with edited graphics from the BBC documentary ‘The Perfect TV Detective’. The addition of Cheeba’s portrait and light were done in After Effects by Mo Hague.

How To Be A Detective (Title Sequence)

This was originally intended as the opening sequence for the AV show but is now part of a future video project. It is basically a parody of the Murder She Wrote titles… DJ Cheeba stars as the super sleuth, doing his best to impersonate her various states of shock. All Camera and edits by James […]